Communications Expert, Motivational Speaker, Podcast Host and Author

No PhD. No theories. No ivory tower. Just years of experiencing life, that includes abandonment, sexual assault, and brutal episodes of maternal violence. Later in life grappling with the irony of being part of a spiritual community that espouses love and righteousness while simultaneously betraying those values.
Meet Mike Donahue

People change when they connect with each other on the deepest level.

My life experiences have provided an opportunity to connect with people who have been through abusive situations. We will be addressing these issues:

Emotional Abuse

Physical & Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse can cause significant psychological distress. Constant criticism, humiliation, and belittling can lead to low self-esteem and a negative self-image. Emotional abuse is a significant risk factor for the development of anxiety and depression. The constant stress and emotional turmoil can take a toll on mental health.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse can have profound and lasting effects on individuals, impacting them emotionally, psychologically, and even physically. It’s important to note that individuals may respond differently to such experiences, and the effects can vary in intensity.

Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual Abuse

Healing from spiritual abuse often involves seeking support from mental health professionals, engaging in self-reflection, and finding a supportive community that respects individual autonomy and well-being. Recognizing the signs of spiritual abuse and addressing it early can be crucial for the healing process.


Because the law is clear about separating church and state, Mike Donahue does not and will not bring a religious message into public schools. Some speakers will use the opportunity they have when they are presenting to a school to “bait and switch”, marketing to a school that they have a secular message, but once they are in front of the students, they make statements that promote their personal faith choice. Although this website contains religious content, Mike believes that faith is a private choice, and he will not promote his faith in public schools.


New Book Now Available


“Groomed” tells the story of how a shocking incident of maternal violence propelled Mike Donahue on a unique faith journey into the heart of some of America’s largest megachurches.

Offering a behind-the-scenes view of some of America’s best-known and most controversial pastors, Mike’s lived experience unveils disturbing parallels between sex traffickers’ manipulative grooming practices and the Evangelical Church’s recruitment methods.

Groomed reminds me of a real life Homeric Odyssey: a perilous voyage that marks an adversarial and oppressive path for Mike Donahue. While the Odyssey depicts fictional monsters and adversaries, Mike outlines a modern savagery that he experienced and many others have unwittingly also experienced on a daily basis. While the Odyssey ends with the sun obliterated and unlucky darkness invading the world, Mike challenges the darkness with the light of truth and overcomes the despair with hope. If Groomed were a true voyage, Mike’s strength would come from recognizing that his journey had reached the most extreme depth; and now, just like standing at the South Pole, the victory is that now every direction he turns is up and advancing.”

Gregory Kemp

Certified School Psychologist, 20+ years Adjunct Psychology Professor, Crisis Intervention Instructor


What people are saying about about Mike and his message.

“The late Kobe Bryant once said, 'If you see me fighting with a bear, pray for the bear.' That is exactly how I feel about Mike Donahue. I have never known him to back down from a fight, and he is always fighting for the right things.”

Chad Bishoff

Writer, Director, Producer

“My brother Michael and I lived in the same home in Weymouth, Massachusetts, but we didn't have the same experiences. While most of my pain happened outside the home, my brother endured a lot of trauma and abuse in the place that should have been safe for him. What he has been able to do in spite of what he endured is truly remarkable, and I am proud of him.”

David Donahue

Real Estate Developer

"Mike has a way of peeling away the layers to the truth that hit to the very core. He is a dynamic speaker, pragmatic Christian, and above all, a devoted and faithful friend. His journey is raw and reveals the underpinnings of organizations that nearly destroyed him. His ability to tell his story will hit home, no matter what your path has been."
Dr. Sarah Murray

Superintendent/7-12 Principal, Eastern Allamakee Schools, Lansing, IA