Books by Mike Donahue

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“Groomed” tells the story of how a shocking incident of maternal violence propelled Mike Donahue on a unique faith journey into the heart of some of America’s largest megachurches.

Offering a behind-the-scenes view of some of America’s best-known and most controversial pastors, Mike’s lived experience unveils disturbing parallels between sex traffickers’ manipulative grooming practices and the Evangelical Church’s recruitment methods.

Groomed reminds me of a real life Homeric Odyssey: a perilous voyage that marks an adversarial and oppressive path for Mike Donahue. While the Odyssey depicts fictional monsters and adversaries, Mike outlines a modern savagery that he experienced and many others have unwittingly also experienced on a daily basis. While the Odyssey ends with the sun obliterated and unlucky darkness invading the world, Mike challenges the darkness with the light of truth and overcomes the despair with hope. If Groomed were a true voyage, Mike’s strength would come from recognizing that his journey had reached the most extreme depth; and now, just like standing at the South Pole, the victory is that now every direction he turns is up and advancing.”

Gregory Kemp

Certified School Psychologist, 20+ years Adjunct Psychology Professor, Crisis Intervention Instructor

More Books by Mike Donahue

Click each book below to read more and order a digital copy online for only $4.99.

Talking to Brick Walls by Mike Donahue

Talking to Brick Walls

The common thought is that when a child turns thirteen, they stop wanting to talk to their parents about their personal lives. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Talking to Brick Walls by Mike Donahue

Reinventing My Normal

Life can throw us a curve ball now and then. This book will help you make sense out of your life after you “normal” changes.

Talking to Brick Walls by Mike Donahue

Value Up

We live in a world that assigns value based on performance. Knowing and believing your true value is one of the most important things about you.
Talking to Brick Walls by Mike Donahue

Hidden Scars

Emotional pain is a difficult thing to manage. Hidden Scars will help you organize the barrage of feelings that may be overwhelming you right now.